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Another kind of cooperative is a producer's cooperative. The most famous producer's cooperative is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, where doctors and hospitals have formed nonprofit insurance Quotes Chimp that sell health insurance to the public. The real power in these organizations lies with the sellers of health care, eu�phemistically known in the trade as "providers." The organizers control the management of the cooperative. Unlike mutuals or reciprocal exchanges, policyholders obtain no ownership rights.Позитивни страни на фирмата
Another kind of cooperative is a producer's cooperative. The most famous producer's cooperative is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, where doctors and hospitals have formed nonprofit insurance Quotes Chimp that sell health insurance to the public. The real power in these organizations lies with the sellers of health care, eu�phemistically known in the trade as "providers." The organizers control the management of the cooperative. Unlike mutuals or reciprocal exchanges, policyholders obtain no ownership rights.Негативни страни на фирмата
Another kind of cooperative is a producer's cooperative. The most famous producer's cooperative is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, where doctors and hospitals have formed nonprofit insurance Quotes Chimp that sell health insurance to the public. The real power in these organizations lies with the sellers of health care, eu�phemistically known in the trade as "providers." The organizers control the management of the cooperative. Unlike mutuals or reciprocal exchanges, policyholders obtain no ownership rights.