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Право на коментар имат физически и юридически лица, посочили e-mail за обратна връзка. Бизнес България не участва в писането на мненията в сайта! Тези мнения изразяват само и единствено личната позиция на техните автори!
Kоментар от Gump, публикуван на 05.03.2014г, 06:51ч
Общи впечатления
Insurance can be a very impersonal business. QuotesChimp almost has to be, considering the number of people insurance companies deal with and their extreme reliance on statistics when making business decisions.
Позитивни страни на фирмата
Insurance can be a very impersonal business. QuotesChimp almost has to be, considering the number of people insurance companies deal with and their extreme reliance on statistics when making business decisions.
Негативни страни на фирмата
Insurance can be a very impersonal business. QuotesChimp almost has to be, considering the number of people insurance companies deal with and their extreme reliance on statistics when making business decisions.
Kоментар от Sylvia, публикуван на 29.07.2013г, 14:17ч
Общи впечатления
You make thgnis so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Позитивни страни на фирмата
You make thgnis so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Негативни страни на фирмата
You make thgnis so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
Общи впечатления
Insurance can be a very impersonal business. QuotesChimp almost has to be, considering the number of people insurance companies deal with and their extreme reliance on statistics when making business decisions.Позитивни страни на фирмата
Insurance can be a very impersonal business. QuotesChimp almost has to be, considering the number of people insurance companies deal with and their extreme reliance on statistics when making business decisions.Негативни страни на фирмата
Insurance can be a very impersonal business. QuotesChimp almost has to be, considering the number of people insurance companies deal with and their extreme reliance on statistics when making business decisions.